Round Gradient Shadow
Round Gradient Shadow


Click below for an ecstatic journey of connection with ​your body and tapping into the mysteries of Tantra

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A 5-week program to more pleasure ​and sacred sexual empowerment

Iridescent is for women and

people with vaginas who:

Light Gradient Circle

Want to experience ​more pleasure in the ​bedroom and life

Light Gradient Circle

Desire to dive into ​sacred sexuality and ​tap into their divinity

Light Gradient Circle

Are ready to let go of ​their sexual hangups ​and toxic dynamics

Being Irisdescent you can:

💫 Unleash your sexual self

💫 Rise in love with yourself and your body

💫 Connect with your body, your needs & desires ​moment by moment, and stand up for it

💫 Tap into your sexy, spiritual, deep, fun, and ​pleasure-full self

💫 Explore and work with subtle sexual energy

💫 Understand what Tantra is once and foremost

💫 Learn how to hold yourself

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Join our WhatsApp group for an exclusive 30% discount ​available only to early birds.

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🌟Dive into 5 weeks of transformative exploration, complemented by

an introductory week and a celebratory closing call.

Each week, indulge in bite-sized guided practices designed to empower your pleasure, ​accompanied by a two-hour call powerful lecture and guided practice.

Every call will be recorded and available on our platform.

💫 Secure your spot now and unlock an exclusive early bird offer:

a live ABUNDANCE RITUAL awaits the first birds!

You have been asking for it, here is my ​first online program!

Iridescent was created based on 8 years ​of experience supporting people to ​connect with their sexual selves, letting ​go of past wounds and ideas of how a ​woman should behave and walk in life, ​and sharing the ecstatic bliss of Tantra.

On top of my deeply personal journey, it ​has been hundreds of people in-person, ​online sessions, and group workshops ​validating the methodology ❤️‍🔥

Get ready to embark on a naughty and ​sacred phase of your life!

As women, we tend to diminish our light, not to speak up, we ​play small, shut down, and are careful about how we dress and ​move in the world, being just a fraction of who we truly are.

What happens is that when you tone down your expression and your ​desires, you also close for pleasure, you disconnect from your ​aliveness. You die inside.

Your authenticity lies in your fullness, and you might even have come ​far but you know it is still just a sided version of you.

We were taught to close our legs, not be loud,

to worry about what people would think and say about us,

to be skinny but not too skinny,

not swear, to hide our bodies,

and to accept breadcrumbs.

What few people know is that the path to changing

these inputs can be simple and pleasureful,

through integrating sexuality, spirituality, and emotional ​healing in a comprehensive and down-to-earth way.

That's what we're going to do, together, in Iridescent.

I honor that you are looking for a way to reconnect with your ​magic and pleasure, to perceive that your body is sacred and

is a gateway to bliss. It is time to glow!

Round Gradient Shadow

Yes to a more ​fulfilling life and ​mind-blowing ​sexuality!


In Iridescent you will

discover the method GLOW

It was developed for you to have more pleasure and love in life, better orgasms, and tap ​into sacred sexuality once and foremost without needing to do it alone or endure cookie-​cutter solutions that fail to address what is holding you back.



Honor your body as a vessel of pleasure, unlocking new paths to fulfillment. ​Through understanding and reclaiming our sexual sovereignty, we embark on a ​journey of self-liberation and profound discovery.

Sexual empowerment is not merely about physical pleasure, it's about owning ​our desires, embracing sensuality, and fostering trust and intimacy.

By tapping into our innate sexual power, we unleash creativity, aliveness, and ​joy!


This pillar guides you to reconnect with your inner wisdom and divine essence. ​By infusing sexuality with sacredness, we discover its beauty, empowerment, ​and deeper purpose.

Spirituality invites us to explore our inner world, recognize the sacredness of ​existence, and awaken to life's interconnectedness. It allows us to access a ​reservoir of wisdom, love, and compassion that leads us toward wholeness and ​fulfillment.

Emotional ​Healing

Release the burden of shame, guilt, and past wounds that hinder intimacy and ​fulfillment.

This pillar honors your emotional truth, offering healing practices to integrate ​emotions with love and understanding. From trauma healing to self-love ​cultivation, emerge with newfound wholeness and resilience on your journey to ​greater pleasure and love.

As we weave together these threads integrate their wisdom into our lives,

we unlock the keys to a more fulfilling life and mind-blowing sex!

What people are saying...

"Lots of insights came to me about something I already knew and didn't give importance to, ​but at that moment I identified that NO, this was SUPER FUCKING important, how much it ​impacted on my emotions and relationship patterns.

Which in my case was about to surrender. And how it is all connected to surrender, if you are ​not surrendered at the moment, you will not orgasm!!

Letting go is about feeling whole, mind, and spirit in peace, at least for that moment that may be ​soon but you were whole. Would it be perfect to be like this for everything in life right?? 🙏🏽✨"

"Every woman needs to get to know herself completely! From her spiritual body to her ​physical body!! Going through this workshop was very special and it touched me on several ​levels!!

Sophia is trustworthy and creates and creates a safe and welcoming space for the women!! ​Very important!! Anyway, all the experiences of the workshop will stay in my ♥️!!

"The experience was super enriching. There was space for sharing and a lot of respect and ​complicity between women.

The pace was fluid, alternating theory and intense practices. There was a feeling of ​transformation in the air, in the eyes. It was pure pleasure and laughter. The female union ​was really beautiful and we ended up with lots of music and joy."

"I felt welcomed and supported throughout the workshop. It was an opportunity to let go that I ​allowed myself I am grateful for all the care, and I keep this experience active in my life. I ​accessed deep places of transformation and healing with softness and presence.

Thank you Sophia for so much loving care and mastery in your work and for bringing the ​orgasmic experience to the world!"

"I learned to listen to myself and listen to my Yoni, respect my time, and hold myself.

I noticed how many times I was abusive to myself and I brought acceptance to it."

A 5-week program for more

pleasure and aliveness

These practices are crafted from ancient Tantric wisdom, Neo-Tantra, Modern ​psychology tools, trauma integration, and years of personal explorations!

It is all simplified into bite-sized guided practices, these tools are designed to ​empower you on your path to becoming a modern-day embodiment of sensuality, ​self-discovery, and sacred sexuality.

Indulge in two tailored practices per week, each ranging from 15 to 30 minutes, ​alongside our enriching two-hour group sessions with a deep dive into the week's ​lecture and empowering guided practice.

Navigate with ease through our dedicated program platform, offering Q&A,

FAQ sections, and access to all weekly recorded sessions.

💫 As an exclusive bonus for early birds, be treated to a live Abundance ritual!

Here's the program's inner workings:

Welcoming Week

  • Dive into the course ​structure and connect ​with fellow participants ​in our welcome call.

  • We set the ground and ​empower you to honor ​your boundaries while ​embracing growth.

  • Understand what really ​is Tantra.

Week 1

Loving Your Body ​& Sexuality

  • Explore erogenous ​zones and unravel ​societal messages.

  • Release shame and ​rewrite your sexual ​story from a place of ​deep self-love and ​acceptance.

  • Connect and rise in love ​with your body!

Week 2

Release and ​Expand

  • Release what doesn’t ​serve you anymore ​while expanding your ​capacity for pleasure.

  • Learn how to hold ​yourself and regulate ​your nervous system.

  • Integrate past wounds ​and open space for the ​new.

Week 3

Embrace Pleasure ​and Reclaim Your ​Sexual Power

  • Know your pleasure ​and own it!

  • Immerse yourself in the ​essence of pleasure ​and being turned on by ​life.

  • Embody your Powerful ​and Pleasureful Self.

Week 4

Orgasmic ​Goddess/Goddex

  • Explore the depths of ​orgasmic bliss and ​sexual energy.

  • Understand the ​elements and types of ​orgasms.

  • Embody your orgasmic ​Goddess/Goddex.

Week 5

Sacred Sexuality & ​Body Temple

  • Journey into the sacred ​realms of your being.

  • Connect with the divine ​energy that flows ​through you.

  • Honor your body as a ​sacred temple.

We are in this together!

I know that the hardest part is to actually DO the practice.

The recorded practices are thought to easily fit in during your days, they take ​between 15 to 30 minutes, but if you prefer, you can also do it live on our ​weekly calls or with another Iridescent Soul.

We have a FAQ, a Q&A area, and a community for you to connect and share ​your experiences.

READY TO Unleash ​Your Inner Glow?

Tap the button below to join the waitlist and ​enroll with a 30% discounted price.

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Hi, I am

Sophia Leslie

I am a Sacred Sexuality coach and therapist and have ​worked with Tantra since 2016.

I am passionate about the integration of spirituality and ​sexuality and the caring healing that many times is needed ​for people to feel safe and open for that exploration.

I like to see it as supporting people to “return to their natural ​state of wholeness”. We unlock a greater level of pleasure, ​love, and deep intimacy that can take them into states of ​high consciousness and bliss.

In the deep dive into Classical Tantra, Neo-Tantra, and other ​non-dual paths, I have lived, learned, and practiced in places ​like Thailand, India, Mexico, and more.

Besides the thousands of hours of practices, retreats, and ​[let’s say] interesting rituals and experiences along the way,

I am a certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach, Tantra Yoga ​& Meditation teacher, and Tantra facilitator, and currently ​studying to become a Somatic Experiencing therapist.

I see my spiritual path starting when I was around 8 years old ​and had spontaneous openings with my first boyfriend at 16.

Things only came together after I broke up a loving but ​sexually frustrated marriage [with some toxic shit and poor ​communication as well], and I started practicing Tantra yoga ​and felt that I had the tools to each before were only ​guidelines [like come on, “do good/be good” is too mental ​to me!].

Adding the Tantric sexuality was what opened me wide-​open to witness the beauty of life, access deep states of who ​I am, and have deep and long-lasting changes in how I move ​in the world.



Send a message on WhatsApp and we can ​support you deciding if IRIDESCENT is ​really for you!

Find me on WhatsApp

More of what people are saying...

“Sophia (...) made me feel very comfortable straight away (...) she was very clear with boundaries ​and always asked for consent, she understood what it means to hold someone in their pain ​and did that lovingly.

She created a safe space where I felt like I could open up fully.

I appreciated her attentiveness, patience and kindness throughout the intro call and the session ​itself, which made the experience enjoyable, safe but also very deep.”

“Sophia is a being who possesses great compassion, wisdom, and capacity for love.

Being in her presence awakens a part of my spirit that has been abandoned through pain ​and hardship.

A part of my spirit that is longing to be expressed, that is creative and free of resentment.

Sophia respects each individual and the unique part of their journey, they are on at this time, ​allowing for everyone to have their own necessary and unique experience. I wish I could spend ​more time under her tutelage."

"You rose my spirit and gave me great tools to love myself more.

Now I know that deep inside my thoughts, deep inside my relationships, deep inside my actions, ​there is actually, love, or at least a quest for love.

And, maybe, deep inside that love, there is God.

I really feel more in connection with myself, my heart is very open right now, i know that ​when i go to sleep, I’ll go in better peace with myself.”

“(...) Although she brings such softness and homely love to the work, she pushes boundaries: she ​is always inviting to go deeper, to work stronger, to really put everything to the test.

(...) It was a revelation, is so amazing how a simple body function like breathing can get me into ​such a connection with myself.

I felt whole, i felt one with the Universe, i felt all-powerful and all aware of the universe. And ​then i came back to myself, feeling that everything is where it is supposed to be, and that all ​will be alright, because is already alright.”